First, we will start off by taking a look at our physical science standards for this unit:
S3P1. Students will investigate how heat is produced and the effects of heating and cooling, and will understand a change in temperature indicates a change in heat.
a. Categorize ways to produce heat energy such as burning, rubbing (friction), and mixing one thing with another.
b. Investigate how insulation affects heating and cooling.
c. Investigate the transfer of heat energy from the sun to various materials.
d. Use thermometers to measure the changes in temperatures of water samples (hot,
warm, cold) over time.
We have quite a lot to cover in this unit- but it can and will be done! :-) This unit makes me think of the humidity we have had this summer-- WHEW! I think our students will be very surprised at how many ways heat is produced… ways that they probably have overlooked or never thought of! They will also be encouraged to investigate the transfer of heat. We will also explore heat using thermometers as a measurement tool. We will use these thermometers in varying water temperatures.
Students will:
-Understand which materials are good insulators.
-Categorize ways to produce heat energy such as burning, rubbing, and mixing one thing with another.
-Investigate how insulation affects heating and cooling.
-Investigate the transfer of heat energy from the sun to various materials.
-Use thermometers to measure the changes in temperatures of water samples.
A very informative song to learn about heat!
As always- if you are in need of resources or help, please ask!
Mrs. Foster